Lion’s Gate Portal

We have a cosmic alignment of the two brightest stars in our sky - the sun and the star Sirius. This creates a potent portal known as the lion’s gate.

08 August 2024 (8.8.8) is a meeting of these two bright stars, in alignment with the Earth. It is a very potent and powerful portal for manifesting wealth and prosperity, according to numerology and many civilizations.

Sirius is the brightest star in our night sky, and will be visible at this time of year. With the sun in its home of Leo we will feel a fiery, confident and royal energy rise within us all.

You may have been ‘pushed’ towards something you feel more aligned with or possibly you have closed a door to allow another to open.

This is the day where the portal, gateway, and doors are open. If you are facing a challenge, or an area of your life has crumbled, see it as the cycle of life. Something must be destroyed before new life can grow.

You could be through the gateway and feeling the abundance that you have been working on already. And your life can be feeling positive!

On this day, be with your heart, and write down EVERYTHING you want to create in your life.

Open your heart to everything you deserve, you might just get it.


Full Moon in Aquarius


New Moon in Leo