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for being magic AF
2024 Witches Calender
The Coven
Casting the Spell
School Of Light

Sun enters Libra
As the Sun enters Libra on September 22nd, an opportunity to bring peace and harmony into your relationships arrives.
This month is all about romance, balance, and fairness.
To make the most of this time, focus on what you need in order to thrive. Is it ....

Full Moon in Cancer
Your Full Moon in Cancer arrives on Wednesday 27 December at 11.33am. You may be feeling very sensitive and insecure at this time, as you tune into the energy of the moon and this time of year.

Mercury in Cancer
Mercury, the planet of communication and intellect, is now in the zodiac of Cancer, until 11 July. Cancer being the sign of sensitivity, nurturing and self-protection, will have you feeling vulnerable.

The Sun Enters Cancer
The Sun moves into the sign of Cancer today and will set the tone of becoming the home body that yearns for D&Ms with your most special and trusted loved ones.

What does your star sign symbolise?
How you do relationships, what kind of personality(ies) you have, and what path you choose to walk, can be interpreted by the most basic component of astrology; your zodiac sign (aka star sign).

New Moon in Cancer
Our NEW MOON in Cancer arrives on Wednesday 29 June 12.52pm. The beginning of new habits to self care and your devotion to unconditional love and empathy.