Winter Solstice

Winter Solstice is an enchanting time as the earth's pole reaches its maximum tilt away from the Sun, gifting us the shortest day and longest night on June 21.

For over 12,000 years, the sacredness of midwinter has been a time of celebration, renewal, and rebirth for many cultures, including our Celtic ancestors.

For you, the woman who yearns to feel a deep connection to these ancient rituals, you can honour this cosmic cycle, by aligning with nature, and feel a profound connection and flow with the Universe.

On June 21 watch the sunrise and as the sun goes down, make a fire and sit in ritual, reflect on the season so far, and prepare for the rebirth of spring.

Think about what you want to bring to life in spring. Can you allow yourself the time to rest now, recovering your strength and resources?

Imagine the spark of excitement in your belly as spring approaches, balanced by the contentment of the now. These winter months are for resting, receiving warmth, and nourishment.

If you need support and guidance to bring clarity to your vision, I am calling in 5 incredible women who are ready to feel the power of nature's cycles and to honour their feminine rhythms.

>>> Do you want to bring clarity and focus to the next three months? Winter is a magical time of renewal and reflection, offering the perfect opportunity to recharge your energy now.

>>> Are you ready to explore your past obstacles and learn from them?

>>> Do you want to feel empowered by your choices, set your own rules and create a fresh, aligned approach to life?

>>> Are you ready to honour your needs, embrace the magic of winter, and transform your journey with newfound clarity and purpose?

This is an exclusive opportunity for 5 women only.

Mind, Body, Soul Renewal sessions are available online between June 13 - June 28 for $250.

BUNDLE AND SAVE: Book your Mind, Body, Soul Renewal session before June 21 and join us for our Winter Solstice Women’s Circle online for FREE. SAVE $44.

Check my availability here and I can support your journey.


Double Capricorn Full Moon


New Moon in Gemini