Women don’t need another course

Women don’t need another course. Women need their Coven.

Our burnt out society makes you think you need yet another course or certificate to make you feel qualified.

You are bombarded by advertising until you think you need proof that you’re good enough.

You now want to find evidence to validate that you’re doing the right thing. That you’re making the right choices. That you’re a worthy woman in society.

You might have turned into a serial workshop bunny because you think you need more tools and skills to be a better version of yourself.

Quite frankly I’m done with that.

I’m done with questioning myself.

I’m done with feeling belittled.

I’m done with feeling like I’m not doing enough.

When you’re constantly seeking to prove your worth, you will always feed the feeling of needing more; more skills, more money, more attention.

You might even have friendships and relationships in your life that mirror these similar feelings.

Friends who patronize you.

Lovers who don’t want commit.

Relationships that confuse you.

These manifested experiences are all reflections of our environment and the inner voice that has been developed by little or big trauma, whether it be from advertising, family or living in a patriarchal society.

When you connect with your instinct and your heart, you realise that you are a good human. You don’t need another course to show you how.

Deep down you know what you want, and when you find the courage to claim it, you will express yourself openly through your excitement, through your smile, and through your generosity.

With this embodied confidence you quickly identify what is right for you, and you leave the rest. You begin to see your world shift into joyous and abundant moments.

You start to recognise that your gifts are not the learnt skills you have obtained, but they are your softness, or your crazy laugh, or your fire, or your ability to cut through BS, or your directness, or your gentleness, or your sensitivity, or all of the above.

This kind of acknowledgment is the success we need, and all it takes if for you to connect with your deep knowing and hearts whispers.

This is why I created the Coven. I deep down believe that all we need is to return our attention to our bodies intelligence and listen to our intuition.

The Coven is this sacred space for women to care for their deep feeling hearts and receive support in all seasons of their life. To encourage women to listen to themselves, in every transition, in every heart break and in every big scary moment.

I have found the most profound shifts in my life, are all due to the encouragement and presence from a friend or mentor. Not from gaining more training or skills.

Creating spaces for women to come home to their bodies and power is what our world needs.

If you have been looking for a space that holds and supports you to be more of you, then jump on the Coven waitlist today and join us at our next moon circle.

Join here https://www.lightwitch.com.au/light-witch-coven


The Sun enters Virgo


Full Moon in Aquarius