Align with the Astrology

Be wise as to where you place your focus this week. With Mars (Action) is with Gemini (Two Minds) squaring Neptune (Dreams), you get to choose which side of the fence you will sit.

✞ Mars is the motivator, it gives energy to where your focus is. It pushes the seed up out of the soil.

✞ Gemini will show you the two sides of the coin. Be enlightened by the shadow and choose to follow the light.

✞ Neptune will help you follow your dreams, but if you are caught up in the shadow, you may fall under the illusion and your pretence.

This may be a challenging week as we are in our final releasing phase after the full moon. As we move through the THIRD QUARTER lunar cycle this week it is the time to stop negative thoughts, let go of harmful habits, remove obstacles or negative people from your path.

Don’t fall victim to the shadows that are revealed by Mars in Gemini, but instead, allow them to show you what is there for you to let go of. Without awareness you can not transcend these illusions.

“I am all I need, I have all I need. I am enough.”


Astrology Alignment this week


Full Moon in Virgo