Feeling a lot but you distract yourself?

I was asked recently by a student: "What practice can I do to help me stay with my emotions, and not avoid them or distract myself."

Firstly, I want to say that this is a really normal response - to want to avoid the pain.

To be asking the question "How can I stay with my emotions" already shows me you are committed to being with them.

Making a commitment to being with your emotions is essential. Now it's time to practice.

Be aware, that during your practice, you will come in and out of judgement and want to stop, but find your will power to stay with the practice for the amount of time you have promised yourself you would stay.

ONE: Breathe, start with a breathing practice. I love the alternate nostril breath because it cleanses the energy channels and opens the pathways for emotion to move through. It also requires some concentration so you can focus your attention on the exercise and begin to tame the mind/ chatter.

TWO: Movement, get on your hands and knees and just move in ways that take no thought. You don't need to look a certain way, just wriggle your hips, barrel your body, and stay focused on soft breaths as you do this. When thoughts pop up, try and move your concentration to the breath again. Make sounds if you need to.

THREE: Music, playing a song will help you keep note of time "I commit to being with my emotions/body/practice for two songs". Easy. I have a playlist in my bio you can use.

FOUR: Journal, if it feels right. Writing down what sensations you experienced, or what thoughts came up for you may be helpful in illuminating patterns, and it also gives you some space in your mind.

Your practice doesn't have to be complicated or advanced, you don't need a teacher training to do it. You only need a commitment to being with 'what is', which is the most potent.


The Space in Between


Full Moon in Taurus + Lunar Eclipse