Full Moon in Capricorn

Our Full Moon in Capricorn goes exact on 03 July at 9.38pm (AEST) and will highlight the areas in your life where you feel stagnant.

We are also coming to an end of major lessons in being deceived, manipulated and the experiences that have revealed our shadows. The South Node in Scorpio is about to complete its journey. So if there’s any last memories of your past you are ready to let go of, here is your chance.

This full moon will be a great opportunity to honour the big emotions you may have been feeling. We currently have both the Sun and Mercury in Cancer, a water sign, that is highly sensitive.

We use the energy of Capricorn to ground, but be careful you do not become stuck or stubborn with an idea. Use Capricorn to set boundaries and earth yourself. Tend to your garden and feed what you want to see grow!

This Full Moon will be a great time to ground yourself and be in stillness.


✞ Yin Yoga

✞ Journalling

✞ Hike

✞ Meditation


The Nodes are in Transition


Mercury in Cancer