Have you had enough of feeling the uncomfortable feels?

Since starting therapy almost two years ago, I’ve been diving deep into the uncomfortable, facing a lot of my own sh*t and shadows. I've been feeling a lot of uncomfortable emotions and generally feeling pretty confronted by it all.

It can be really hard to realize that the way you've been showing up for most of your life isn't really working for you. Turning that around is a slow and gruelling process that requires awareness, time for integration, and a lot of self-compassion (as you f*ck up along the way).

I've wondered if I have C-PTSD and Asperger's because of the way my brain processes things and how my body responds to certain environments and situations. But at the end of the day, I come back to asking myself, "What is it that I need to thrive?" Not getting too caught up in the diagnosis.

There are so many people out there preaching how to do it this way or that way, but what's important is to empower the person to go within and find out what is good for the INDIVIDUAL.

I feel privileged to have studied with the Aura-Soma Academy because they always taught us to guide the client to interpret their color selection and tap into their own wisdom. As the consultant, we were simply guides to ask stimulating questions for their self-enquiry and discovery.

My own journey has felt like a swing over these past two years. From trying to diagnose myself to asking, "What is it that I need to thrive?" no matter what my diagnosis is.

My guidance in yoga classes, full moon circles, and private sessions is always the same: what allows the individual to feel empowered? Through their own discovery, they learn this sacred tool to empower themselves for the rest of their life.

I aim to empower and support, not to create reliance or belittle anyone into feeling that they NEED me.

If you have found yourself in the trap of needing someone else to fix your problems, I can support you in returning to your center, where your true wisdom and answers reside. But you have to be open and prepared to show up for yourself in this way. No one can do this for you.

If you’re ready to feel supported as you dive deep, let’s work together:

❤️ The Coven $35 per week (group sessions and 1:1 privates)

❤️ Full Moon Circle $44-$59 (monthly group circle in-person and online)

❤️ 1:1 Private session online $250 (available every solstice and equinox)


Full Moon in Capricorn


Double Capricorn Full Moon