Being Heart Centered

I would often find myself going to bed... it was the only way I could deal with feeling shitty, overwhelmed and overthinking.

I wanted to honour the emotions, but actually I just couldn't pull myself out of the hole I had over-thought my way into.

The one question I ask myself in these times is:

"How can I connect with my heart today?"

When the answer comes, as much as I don't want to do it, I get myself up and do it.

It's like being my own mum, parenting myself into the thing that I know is good for me. That's what a good parent does.

So rather than disconnecting from your heart with netflix, eating, drugs, or gossip; CONNECT WITH YOUR HEART >>> go for a walk, cook a nourishing meal, help someone in need and remind yourself you are not your thoughts.

In no time, the stuck-ness has shifted and you have transformed the moment into one of wisdom and guidance.


If you remember my post last week about '“Leadership of the Heart” and our three brains: the Heart, the Brain, and the Gut; it is imperative that we are firstly connected to our hearts.

Things can feel so heavy, overwhelming and exhausting when we are not connected to our heart / our why / our purpose. So where is it that you feel most connected to your heart? This is where you find the answers and FEEL AT PEACE.

The most useful place to find a heart connection is in nature. It is said that “the trees have always acted as an anchor of the Creator’s energy into the Earth.”

So if you want to ground your purpose, then nature is your key. Go on, get out into nature. Walk with the trees, swim in the ocean. CONNECT WITH YOUR HEART.


Full Moon in Aquarius


Leadership of the Heart