Mars Retrograde

Not only are we in the season of Scorpio going through deep transformation (death and rebirth), we now have Mars in retrograde for us to review what actions we need to change so that we can rise from the ashes and birth a new version of ourselves.

This is going to be a process into January 2023 so take this time to be consistent in implementing the new thoughts and actions you know you need to have/take. Trust that the new year will being opportunities that you are dreaming about deep down. Keep believing in yourself.

Scorpio season will reveal the lies you have been telling yourself, and Mars will help you reflect on what actions you need to take so you can live in more alignment.

This will be a transformation, very challenging but it will lead you to evolving and aligning with your highest purpose.

The upcoming Full Moon in Taurus (health, comforts, routine) will be a point in this process for us to challenge our comfort zone. Without being challenged we will not realise what needs to change.

✞ What has been taken from you?
✞ Where have you limited yourself because it feels safe?
✞ Have you become dependent and lost your Self?

Although this can feel icky, rageful, sad, or hopeless, know that it is just the process of transformation. Remember that the butterfly had to TRUST the process of metamorphosis, it had to go into the dark cocoon and loose its legs, to grow beautiful and colourful wings.

We are currently in the process. TRUST yourself, my pretty.


Full Moon in Taurus + Lunar Eclipse


New Moon in Scorpio + Solar Eclipse