Mercury Stations Retrograde

With Mercury stationing retrograde, the planet of communication is going back to make sure you have learnt your lessons.

✞ Where is it you've not expressed yourself authentically?

✞ Why do you feel misunderstood?

✞ Are your ways of thinking serving the new version of yourself?

✞ Are you overcompensating?

You may be having experiences right now that mirror these reflections. It is a good time to be reflective, not reactive. Start to see your environment as messages from Spirit.

Give yourself time to slow down, be in retrograde yourself.

As you let go of judgement, control and expectations, you will allow yourself to see your world with less attachment, and give yourself an opportunity to come to a greater understanding of things.

Mercury retrograde has a gift for you.


As mercury retrograde asks you to go back to "check yo'self", have you reflected on the way you express yourself?

Are there times that you don't say anything, or hold yourself back from being completely you?

Do you have complete freedom to be who you are?

I was listening to a Mark Groves podcast recently and he talked about 'Self-Censorship'. I resonated so much with this, as I have found there have been times in my life that I have held back.

"Self Censorship is considered to be a voluntary act, but it is often done out of fear or pressure."

☽☽☽ How many times have you chosen to hold back, so that you don't rock the boat or create an uncomfortable conversation?

Mark Groves said "Self censorship is not feeling self expressed, which internalises the avoidance of chaos outside of one self."

He went on to question the levels of cortisol and inflammation in our body when we are in this survival based mode. Especially for women, as most of our lives we have been told we are too much, so it makes sense that we have censored ourselves to survive in the world.

The more I understand that not everyone is going to like me, and that I will STILL survive and live a happy life, the more I've felt safer in myself to express who I am entirely.

Because it doesn't matter if they like me, I know I can still be happy.


As we explore our style of communication while Mercury stations retrograde, it highlights the way we express ourselves in the world and if we are able to do this authentically.

There are many factors in our environment that have moulded us to be who we are today, our thoughts, our upbringing, social media. There are many many layers.

So if you have a dream and want it to manifest in your life, what thoughts are helping bring that to life?

Become aware of the old patterns, the old spells, the old words so that you can break these spells and make beautiful new ones.


Spring Equinox


Full Moon in Pisces