New Moon + Solar Eclipse

Our New Moon in Libra will arrive on Sunday 15 October at 4.55am with a SOLAR eclipse. Here in Australia, we will be tucked away in bed, (possibly!) sleeping during the eclipse.

This cosmic event will place intense focus on the way you think about relationships and who you are in them.

This week may challenge you mentally, even your dreams may be busy. The air element that Libra carries can drive us to be in our heads and psychoanalyse everything.

To balance this, introduce breath work into your daily rituals and practice being with your bodily sensations.

Write a letter to your future self, and include all of the moments you would like to be enjoying. This helps you to trust each moment now and when your goosebumps radar goes off, you know it’s a hell yes! Move towards it.


Scorpio Season


Mercury in Libra + Venus in Virgo