Stay Honest to Attract

To attract what you want, you must live in alignment with your highest purpose, you must be honest with yourself and to those around you.

If there is a time when you have held back what feels true for you, you are sending mixed messages to the Universe. When you don't speak up, you are ultimately blocking yourself from receiving what you really want.

You must move past the the mindset of "not wanting to hurt them" or "I don't want to cause conflict". You must be ok with diversity in the world and if the other person has a hard time hearing your truth, it is more about them than it is you. Don't take it personally.

Keep speaking clearly, and honestly so you can stay in alignment with YOUR purpose. Not anyone elses.

Here are questions to help you find clarity each day to stay in alignment.

Where did I feel stuck today?

What drained me?

Where did I feel most alive?

What brought me joy?

Spend time with yourself each day to breath, massage your body, and reflect, so that you can stay connected to what is flowing and to what is pulling you away from your centre.

You'll know what to do from there.


Full Moon in Pisces


New Moon in Virgo