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New Moon in Aquarius
New Moon in Aquarius arrives on Saturday 10th February at 9.59am.
This is your fresh start, the beginning of a new lunar cycle. You start this cycle with new thoughts, new ideas, which is potent in creating new experiences.

Pluto in Aquarius
The planet of transformation enters Aquarius the zodiac of innovation and community.
Pluto entered Aquarius last year for a small period of time, before it went back into Capricorn and now comfortably into Aquarius for the next 20 years.

New Moon in Aquarius
Our New Moon in Aquarius arrives on Sunday 22 January 2023 at 7.53am (AEDT), along with Lunar New Year, this feels like the time our year truely begins.

Full Moon in Aquarius
Our Full Moon in Aquarius peaks this Friday 12 August at 11.35am (aest). Break free from your mind cage of limitation and find freedom in living your wildest dreams.