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for being magic AF
2024 Witches Calender
The Coven
Casting the Spell
School Of Light

New Moon in Leo
Your New Moon in Leo arrived on Sunday 04 August at 9.13pm (AEST), four days before the powerful portal of Lions Gate.
This new moon is screaming for you to express yourself, to not hold back, and to bring ALL OF YOU into your life.

Full Moon in Leo
Your Full Moon in Leo arrives on Friday 26th January at 4.54am (AEDT).
With Sun and Pluto in Aquarius you may feel a strong pull towards doing things in a new way. Aquarius is innovative, it creates something that has not been done before.

Sun enters Leo
The Sun has entered Leo and in true Lioness form, we now begin birthday celebrations for the whole month!
We don’t just have one day to celebrate, we want the whole damn season!

Venus + Mars in Leo
Only the upmost Royal treatment will be acceptable as Venus and Mars are in the zodiac of Leo from today.
The lioness wants only superior love and action. She wants to see that people appreciate her and make advances in her love language.

Full Moon in Leo
Our Full Moon in Leo arrives on Monday 06 February 5.28am (aedt). The energy has been building up to accept everything that holds you back from shining your light.