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for being magic AF
2024 Witches Calender
The Coven
Casting the Spell
School Of Light

Full Moon in Sagittarius
Your Full Moon in Sagittarius arrives on Thursday 23 May at 11.53pm AEST. It will support you to break the rules and free yourself from the stagnancy.

Full Moon in Sagittarius
Our Full Moon in Sagittarius arrives this Sunday 04 June at 1.41pm (aest). This passionate sign is here to light a fire within your soul and revive what has become dull.
If you have felt lost or disconnected, this full moon asks you to release the overthinking and be in action to create what you want to see in the world.

New Moon in Sagittarius
Our New Moon in Sagittarius arrives this Thursday 24 November at 9.57am (aest). It brings a new beginning with an optimistic outlook for your future.
This will be a refreshing feeling after an intense Scorpio season, especially if you uncovered your deepest shadows.

Full Moon in Sagittarius
Our Full Moon in Sagittarius arrives on Tuesday 14th June at 9.51pm. It's asking you to take a passionate and adventurous leap into the winter months. But first, what do you need to purify to set yourself free?