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for being magic AF
2024 Witches Calender
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New Moon in Virgo
The New Moon in Virgo arrives on Tuesday 03 September at 11.55am (aest). This energy will help you tune into the practical steps you need to take to stay grounded.

The Sun enters Virgo
The Sun enters Virgo today, Friday 23 August, influencing you to build the life you feel deeply connected to.
Many people are caught up in the busyness of life, and they never have time to assess and evaluate if they are actually living the life they want.

Mars conjunct Pluto
Did you go through an uncomfortable situation last week?
Pluto conjunct Mars in Aquarius might explain why!
This holds an intense theme around death and destruction of patterns that no longer serve you. You may have brought to light the shadows that are deeply uncomfortable to see.

New Moon in Virgo
Our New Moon in Virgo arrives this Friday 15 September at 11.39am (aest). This is your time for emotional clearing, a systematic look at what triggers you and how to best plan your month so you can regulate in the most perfect way.

Hello Virgo Season
Celebrate your humble Virgo friends, and make a special effort to take them on an adventure and tear them away from their hard working mentality. They deserve to be celebrated!

Full Moon in Virgo
The idea this full moon is not to predict the future and get caught up in ‘what might happen’ but to find the balance between having your sh*t together and taking time to be in creation/ creative mode.

New Moon in Virgo
Our New Moon in Virgo arrives on this Saturday 27 August at 6.17pm. This fresh new beginning brings a methodical energy to help you bring order and organisation to your mind.