Full Moon in Capricorn
Your full moon in Capricorn arrives on Saturday, June 22, at 11:07 am.
It illuminates your unhealthy relationship with overworking, attachment to productivity, and anxieties with money.
Additionally, as the sun transitions into Cancer, you may find yourself feeling emotionally sensitive to your home environment and yearning for familial connections.
On a high note, Capricorn's influence will clarify any confusion from Gemini season, bringing a practical approach to decision-making and your to-do list.
With a veil of the Winter Solstice energy here too, it's best to navigate this time by surrendering and engaging in gentle activities:
Gentle exercise
Being gentle with your emotions
Creating an easy and gentle to-do list
If you can let go of striving during this full moon and accept where you are, at this point in your timeline, you will experience the peace that comes with self-compassion and presence in the moment.
As I always say “Don’t fix, Feel.”