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2024 Witches Calender
The Coven
Casting the Spell
School Of Light

Sun Enters Capricorn
As the Sun moves into Capricorn on Saturday, 21 December, you are invited to embrace the grounding energy of this earth sign. Capricorn, symbolised by the determined mountain goat, encourages you to focus on your ambitions, set practical goals, and commit to the steady pursuit of your dreams.

Full Moon in Capricorn
Your full moon in Capricorn arrives on Saturday, June 22, at 11:07 am.
It illuminates your unhealthy relationship with overworking, attachment to productivity, and anxieties with money.

Double Capricorn Full Moon
We are on the brink of a rare and potent astrological event: a double Full Moon in Capricorn. This is a powerful message from the cosmos. What Capricorn shadows are we being asked to release not once, but TWICE this year?

New Moon in Capricorn
Your New Moon in Capricorn arrives on Thursday 11 January at 10.57pm (AEDT).
This brings the feeling of determination and a desire for attention to detail to your material and physical world.

New Moon in Capricorn
Our New Moon in Capricorn arrives on Friday 23 December at 9.16pm. This is a good time to actualize your visions and think long term goals.
Capricorn is the third earth element of the zodiac and a cardinal sign, meaning it is a potent time to get organised so you can bring your idea's into psychical form.

Full Moon in Capricorn
Full Moon in Capricorn arrives this Thursday 14th July at 4.37am (aest) to help you release old victim patterns + alchemise them into a motivational and constructive force.