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for being magic AF
2024 Witches Calender
The Coven
Casting the Spell
School Of Light

New Moon in Libra and Solar Eclipse
Your New Moon in Libra arrives on Thursday, 03 October, at 4:49am. This particular new moon holds extra potency as it coincides with a solar eclipse, amplifying the energy you may feel around your relationships. Expect to sense an electric charge in the air, one that may bring clarity or disruption.

Full Moon in Libra
Your Full Moon in Libra and lunar eclipse arrives on Monday 25 March at 6.00pm. This imperfect alignment of the Sun, the Earth, and the Moon means that only a portion of the Earth's shadow falls on the Moon, making it a penumbral lunar eclipse.

Mars enters Libra
We have felt the shift from yesterday, your actions and they way you do things require balance. Everything you DO needs to align with your values or you will feel robbed.

Full Moon in Libra
From Tuesday the Sun (soul essence) conjuncts Chiron (wounded healer) as we build up to the full moon in Libra (balance, justice) on Thursday.
A massive week of inner feelings. This could be anxiety for you, it could be anger, it could be overthinking, it could be exhaustion. What is your usual spiral?

New Moon in Libra
Our New Moon in Libra arrives Monday 26 September at 7.54am. We are in a potent portal and here is the breakdown:
Spring Equinox = Fertility and birthing ideas / projects / dreams
New Moon = New beginnings, New start, New patterns
Libra = relationships, balance and harmony

Full Moon in Libra
Our Full Moon in Libra arrives on Sunday 17 April at 4.55am, which gives us the lift we need to dream, breathe and connect with Spirit. What a beautiful energy to be in, as we celebrate this Easter weekend.