Your ultimate toolkit
for being magic AF
2024 Witches Calender
The Coven
Casting the Spell
School Of Light

The Compromise to Multi Tasking
What are you compromising by being that busy?
You are ticking so many things off the list.
The busier you are the more you seem to get done.
It can feel good, being productive, getting sh*t done.

Loosing power to your thoughts
You have over 6,000 thoughts a day, but which ones impact your mood the most?
As we step into Gemini season our mental layer is more noticeable. This gives you the opportunity to see which thoughts are impacting you in both negative and positive ways.

New Moon in Taurus + Solar Eclipse
Our New Moon in Taurus arrives this Saturday 30 April at 10.19am and not long after we will experience a solar eclipse, Sunday 01 May at 06.42am. The moon will move between the sun and the earth, creating moments of darkness.

Full Moon in Libra
Our Full Moon in Libra arrives on Sunday 17 April at 4.55am, which gives us the lift we need to dream, breathe and connect with Spirit. What a beautiful energy to be in, as we celebrate this Easter weekend.

Venus in Pisces
If there was any excuse to be in your feminine flow, it is definitely this week! With Venus in Pisces we will benefit from getting in our bodies and craving the pleasures of rest, playfulness and admiring the beauty in things.

New Moon in Aries
New Moon in Aries arrives on Friday at 5.24pm (aest), bringing in a new lunar cycle with the determination of the ram.