The Compromise to Multi Tasking

What are you compromising by being busy?

You are ticking so many things off the list.
The busier you are the more you seem to get done.
It can feel good, being productive, getting sh*t done.


You are not eating properly.
Your back is aching because you've missed Yoga.
You're looking at the screen for too long.
You feel wired and loosing sleep.

MULTI-TASKING has been creeping into our system for so long now, that we now think it's normal.
We pride ourselves on multitasking.
But multitasking drains your adrenals and fries your brain.

Science reporter, Olivia Goldhill, says "When we attempt to multitask, we don’t actually do more than one activity at once, but quickly switch between them >>>>> and this switching is exhausting <<<<< It uses up oxygenated glucose in the brain, running down the same fuel that’s needed to focus on a task."

Is that the compromise you really want?

This compromise has a deep effect on your brain and nervous system.
You can't switch your mind off at night and you loose sleep.
Your organ function is out of whack.
You end your week feeling exhausted and overwhelmed.

The first thing to do when you feel yourself in this vortex of multitasking, is to stand up and count 10 deep breaths.

When you are so busy like this, you self abandon and it can feel quite emotional once you actually stop and breathe.

✞ ✞ ✞ Take 10 deep breaths and then look at your list.
Just start with one thing at a time.
Move things to the following day or week if you need too, and make sure you have scheduled self care time.
self care time helps you wind down in the afternoons, and enjoy the evening with your loved ones.

Getting your sh*t done can be rewarding, but let me remind you of other natural places you want to be, that replenish you:

✞ Get some sunshine;
✞ Go for a walk;
✞ Swim in the ocean;
✞ Receive a massage;
✞ Go to a sound healing;

Let this be a reminder... if life has got too hectic.


Full Moon in Capricorn


First Quarter Moon Phase