New Moon + Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius

A NEW MOON and TOTAL SOLAR ECLIPSE in Sagittarius arrives this Saturday at 6.42pm (aedt).

The moon will move between the earth and the sun, at just the right angle to create a total solar eclipse. This marks a turning of the wheel, a new 54 year cycle.

Not only does the new moon bring a fresh new beginning to our lunar month but we have a new cycle in the cosmic alignment of the planets and stars. They plan to meet again in 18 years and at exactly the same alignment in 54 years (18 years x 3 = 54) (google Saros cycle).

No need to get caught up in the numbers, but connect with the knowing that everything has patterns, cycles, rhythms and wavelengths.

Observe what you are experiencing this week, journal on it. ASK YOURSELF:

☽ Are there patterns in my thoughts/words/actions?
☽ What is the core desire behind my conversations?
☽ Am I meeting my needs? Are others?
☽ How can I adopt new patterns to create change?
☽ What am I aiming for?

There is a turning of the wheel this new moon. So as you identify the above, you are already doing to work to create a shift for the future.

Surrender to the energy of this week and let it all in, even if it’s uncomfortable. Sagittarius asks you to go for bullseye, so be clear on where you aim your bow and arrow.

Erin Rose x LW


Samhain – Halloween is coming!


Full Moon in Gemini