Full Moon in Gemini

Our Full Moon in Gemini arrives this Sunday 19 December at 3.35pm. This energy can make us over think things, or tend to confuse a situation. However, if you can access both sides with a positive outlook you can bring an ease to the process of change.

Are you facing an experience that needs a decision and you’re unsure which way to go?

Be adaptable with change. Allow yourself to see a new way.

You can do anything you put your mind to, and the Gemini energy loves this game.

It is an incredible time to go for your dreams, but you may need to release any attachments that are weighing you down.

The full moon is the perfect time to release, let go and realise what has been lurking in the shadows.

Let the light of the full moon illuminate what has felt heavy, what has been painful and now let that feeling in, so you can let it go.


New Moon + Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius