Full Moon in Virgo

Your Full Moon in Virgo arrives today at 11.30pm (aedt). For the deep feelers out there, and the ones who make sure everyone’s needs are met… this full moon will be an intense revealing of your perfect people pleasing tendencies.

This full moon comes after Mars conjunct Pluto AND Chiron conjunct North Node. Two massive shifts in energy that ask you to heal the wound and step into step in your true self for the highest good for all.

The lesson of this full moon in Virgo will encourage you to make decisions aligned with YOUR values, not by what other people expect of you. This can be incredibly scary for a people pleaser.

It’s time to let your hair down, disappoint people and do things your way.

Need Guidance? Join me at the Full Moon Circle . Sunday 25 February . 7PM-9PM . Details Here


Breathe life into it


Mars conjunct Pluto