New Moon in Libra

Our New Moon in Libra arrives Monday 26 September at 7.54am. We are in a potent portal and here is the breakdown:

Spring Equinox = Fertility and birthing ideas / projects / dreams
New Moon = New beginnings, New start, New patterns
Libra = relationships, balance and harmony

This time is a powerful new beginning for your relationships, especially the one you have with yourself.

You are invited to be at the fore front of every choice you make so you can bring harmony and balance to how you care for your self and in turn others.

Bring balance to your masculine and feminine. Bring more love and attention to who you ARE, and not how much you do.

Value yourself in a way that you believe you are enough, just by being you.
Say your affirmations every day. Look yourself in the mirror and tell you how much you are beautiful, and tell yourself that you are doing enough!

No need for doing or being more. In fact, let go of the layers so you can return to whats underneath - that inner peace, that unconditional love.


Are you journalling the right way?


Spring Equinox