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2024 Witches Calender
The Coven
Casting the Spell
School Of Light

New Moon in Taurus
Your New Moon in Taurus arrives on Wednesday 08 May 1.21pm (AEST) and marks the time in your calendar to set your intentions for a new cycle ahead.
This is your blank canvas to paint the story of your life. With Taurus being an influence this new moon, you can make a …

Sun enters Taurus
As the Sun gracefully transitions into Taurus on April 20th, it invites you to find stability after a tumultuous eclipse season. For intelligent women who navigate life's complexities through the guidance of astrology, this cosmic shift promises a period of grounding and consolidation.

New Moon in Taurus
New Moon in Taurus arrives this Saturday 20 May at 1.53am (aest) just hours day before it moves in to Gemini.
Good quality communication is the theme of this new moon as we unite Taurus and Gemini together.

Full Moon in Taurus + Lunar Eclipse
Our Full Moon in Taurus arrives on Tuesday 08 November at 10.02pm. Taurus loves its comforts, routines and taking care of their physical health, so this full moon will be a challenge in the areas in which you are STUCK in routine and limiting yourself because of your rigid structure.

New Moon in Taurus + Solar Eclipse
Our New Moon in Taurus arrives this Saturday 30 April at 10.19am and not long after we will experience a solar eclipse, Sunday 01 May at 06.42am. The moon will move between the sun and the earth, creating moments of darkness.