Loosing power to your thoughts

You have over 6,000 thoughts a day, but which ones impact your mood the most?

As we step into Gemini season our mental layer is more noticeable. This gives you the opportunity to see which thoughts are impacting you in both negative and positive ways.

Now is the perfect time to get curious about your thoughts, write them down and elaborate on how you feel about them:

✞ What do you tell yourself about work?

✞ What do you think about yourself?

✞ What do you assume of others?

*You can use this as a guide at the full moon. "Which thought patterns would you like to release?".

A 2020 study has shown that we have over 6,000 thoughts a day, but what is important to know, are the ones that impact your mood and behaviour. By bringing your thoughts to the forefront of your mind, will give you an opportunity to change them, so they don't run your life unconsciously.

When you live from the sub conscious you are living on auto pilot; creating the same cycles in your mind, your relationships and your manifestations: Are you always worried about money, uninspired about work or anxious in your relationship?

Notice what you might say to yourself:

✞ "They think I am too loud."

✞ "I could've done better."

✞ "She doesn't appreciate me."

✞ "Why doesn't he know what I need?"

This very thought could be causing you to feel like you can never get ahead with your finances, uninspired toward your purpose, or unsatisfied in your relationship. This is the cause and effect of a thought, creating your Karma/ experience.

If you notice a repeated thought/ theme, then this indicates there is a thought creating a worm hole inside your mind, and once you become aware of this thought, you can stop feeding the worm.

Engage your warrior goddess and sever the thought, decide it is not helpful. From that moment, when you have the thought again you say hello to it, and decide that it doesn't need to impact your mood. Understand that it has been a pattern and created a deep groove, but it will eventually dissolve.

Decide that it is a thought that has NOT come from your highest self, and you choose NOT to give any power to it. Any fear, anxiety, depletion around the thought will indicate that you are giving power to it. You may need to sit with that thought a little more and continue to understand that is just a pattern, not actually real. You may even need to say it out loud and ask the person "I'm having this thought, is it reality or just a pattern of mine?"

This takes bravery and surrender to the ego. You will be more open to making mistakes or looking 'silly', but you will embrace more of your human-ness. You will be in touch with your vulnerability and feelings, which will create better connections.

Decide on your new focus and feed this positive pathway. It will take time, and don't give up. Continue to give your power to more loving and empowering thoughts, ones that uplift you and allow you to feel seen completely. Adopt thoughts that make you speak with courage and make you accountable to your dreams.


New Moon in Gemini


Full Moon in Scorpio + Lunar Eclipse