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for being magic AF
2024 Witches Calender
The Coven
Casting the Spell
School Of Light

New Moon in Virgo
The New Moon in Virgo arrives on Tuesday 03 September at 11.55am (aest). This energy will help you tune into the practical steps you need to take to stay grounded.

Emotional Intelligence
Continuing on from my last post, DEALING WITH BIG EMOTIONS, I wanted to share with you my story of experiencing anger and protectiveness recently.
Those who have followed me for some time, will know that since I ended a relationship with a narcissist, I’ve been seeing a psychologist. This and learning NVC (non violent communication) has been a game changer for managing my energy levels and spikes in anxiety.

What does a therapist mean to you?
One of my biggest and most positive takeaways from seeing a therapist has been feeling VALIDATED.
I used to believe that it was a negative thing to want validation, but what I’ve come to discover is that I truely seek 'to be seen', 'to be heard’ and 'to be acknowledged’.

New Moon in Capricorn
Your New Moon in Capricorn arrives on Thursday 11 January at 10.57pm (AEDT).
This brings the feeling of determination and a desire for attention to detail to your material and physical world.

A NY prayer
My love, don’t worry if you have not set intentions or released the baggage from 2023 … yet.
We could name this day “the last day of the year” or we could say that it is another day we get to live the way we choose too.
Here is a simple prayer that you can say anytime, to reset and begin again.

What to avoid this weekend
It’s all about recovery this week as you integrate the latest eclipse portal and full moon release. With all lessons that you learn from these cosmic shake ups, you need patience and self-care to integrate and embody the new you, so you don’t repeat the same lesson again, god forbid.

A remedy for procrastination
Procrastination can cause anxiety and irritability if we don't address what is underneath it. We can create so much energy around procrastination and waste so much time calling everyone we know telling them about our procrastination.

Loosing power to your thoughts
You have over 6,000 thoughts a day, but which ones impact your mood the most?
As we step into Gemini season our mental layer is more noticeable. This gives you the opportunity to see which thoughts are impacting you in both negative and positive ways.