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for being magic AF
2024 Witches Calender
The Coven
Casting the Spell
School Of Light

Full Moon in Pisces
Our full moon in Pisces arrives on Wednesday 18 September 12.34pm (aest). This dreamy water sign allows you to travel to other worlds and come back a magical unicorn.
You can expect this full moon to be a sensitive one, as water gives way to ...

Full Moon in Pisces
The Super Blue Full Moon in Pisces goes exact on Thursday 31 August at 11.35am, but we are already feeling it. Watch our beautiful symbol of femininity and emotionality rise tonight and howl with her.

New Moon in Pisces
Our New Moon in Pisces arrives today, Monday 20 February at 6.05pm. Take this opportunity to swim, take a bath, or take the day off and go inward.

Full Moon in Pisces
Our Full Moon in Pisces arrives this Saturday 10 September at 7.59pm. With the Sun in Virgo and our Moon in Pisces, we have the Earth and Water element supporting us.
We can activate our practical, down-to-earth self in combination with an unattached outlook and surrender to the flow.

Venus in Pisces
If there was any excuse to be in your feminine flow, it is definitely this week! With Venus in Pisces we will benefit from getting in our bodies and craving the pleasures of rest, playfulness and admiring the beauty in things.