Dealing with big emotions?


I’ve heard we are in a culture of self-diagnoses, as if we all want to have an answer for our big feelings.

This was ME ☝🏼 3 weeks ago when I found myself looking up the symptoms of C-PTSD and I got lost in the vortex of medical conditions and almost signed up to do a trauma certification πŸ˜…πŸ˜…πŸ˜…

What I was avoiding in my haze of anxiety was FEELING. I was so overwhelmed, I could only try to think my way out of the problem. Looking at symptoms some what soothed me, as if I was accepted in the world, and if I could do this course, I would be healed!

I recognise this as my avoidance in feeling. Some people use drugs, alcohol, sex, TV, instagram, or continued self help courses to avoid their feelings.

Our continued practice as hueman beings, in this modern world, is to remember to tune into the wisdom of the body, not Netflix. The body holds the key to many magical layers for us to tap into.

This is why when women come to me in crisis I encourage them to not make any decisions in that moment, and I create a space where they can be with their true self (not the triggered self). It’s important to ask:

What am I avoiding feeling?

The work is in allowing that FEELING to be there, which could be shame or jealousy, or anger. Not an easy task, I know.

If you begin to look at it from the perspective that these emotions were most likely NOT welcomed in your childhood home and in society, then you can understand why it is difficult for you to accept them now.

Dr Gabor Mate says that as a child we would give up authenticity to receive attachment/belonging. It is deeply wired in us.

If you can turn this BELIEF around and see that feelings are informing and guiding you, then you can begin to strengthen your feminine intelligence.

I want to share a story with you about my last few months where I experienced anger and fierce protectiveness. It has been a great struggle and stressor in my life recently.

However, I’ll let you ponder on the first stage of overwhelm and trigger for now and release PART 2: emotional intelligence (and my story!), later this week πŸ‘€

Lots of Love, Erin x


Emotional Intelligence


What does a therapist mean to you?